
Schools In Houston

Planning to relocate or purchase a house in the Houston area? Looking for the right school for your child? You want to make the right choice of purchasing your new home in an area with the best schools. Many times, families choose to buy a house in a specific neighborhood taking into consideration the schools in the area.

The following is a list of some of the highest ranked public Elementary (grades PK-5), Middle/Junior High (grades 6-8) and High Schools (grades 9-12) in some of the top neighborhoods of the city. Ratings follow a 1-10 scale. Ratings between 1-4 indicate “below average”, between 5-6 indicate “average”, and between 7-10 “above average”. The rating follows the school’s name.

The list does not pretend to be exhaustive, and is not limited to the schools mentioned below. In some cases, a brief description of the school is provided, highlighting relevant academic, athletic, arts, clubs, and special education resources. There are multiple websites that will provide useful information to help you make the right decision when you are choosing the best school for your children depending on their individual and unique needs.

For detailed information on Houston Schools, you may refer to

 This website provides a snapshot of overall school quality based on three measures: Test Scores, Student Progress and Equity. The Test Score Rating reflects annual state test results for a specific school compared with scores statewide. A strong student progress with high test scores means students at a specific school have strong academic skills and the school is doing a better job at supporting academic growth than most other schools. The Equity Rating looks at how well the school is serving disadvantaged students relative to all students, compared to other schools in the state, based on college readiness metrics, student progress, and test scores provided from the state’s Department of Education. The website shows a variety of indicators of school quality with the purpose of helping parents get a great education for their child ensuring that the student gets the support needed to succeed.





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