What Questions to Ask During a Home Inspection? | Houston TX

You bid on a home and you got it. Congratulations! Now what? As you enter into the option period, the first thing you would want to do is a home inspection.

We recommend meeting the inspector during their last hour, so you can listen to them trash talk the home you fell in love with.

A home inspection process can be overwhelming, especially for first time home buyers, as most of the language used is very new to them.

What Are The Most Useful Questions to Ask My Home Inspector in Houston?

Before entering a state of panic, it’s important to put things in perspective. Asking these questions would help you make an informed decision:

  • Ask your inspector to rate this house to other homes of the same age and build. Comparing apples to apples is a great way to start this conversation.
  • What should I focus on fixing NOW? The inspector should be able to point out the top 3 things that need your attention at this time.

After the report is completed, your realtor will help you decide if this is still the right home for you.

Our real estate experts would help you get quotes, negotiate repairs or seller contributions after inspections.


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