How to Use Property Descriptions to Sell Your Home

How to Use Property Descriptions to Sell Your Home The way you describe a property on your listing, makes all the difference when positioning it in a buyer’s mind. Ultimately, you are selling a lifestyle! Not just a home. I love when I am browsing through listing...

How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor?

How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor? What is the one thing that you need to be a successful real estate investor? The one thing you need to be a successful real estate investor is ACTION. Take Action I have found that the most experienced investors that I know...

5 Common Real Estate Myths Debunked

5 Common Real Estate Myths Debunked I grew up thinking that if I left my house with wet hair, that I would catch a cold. Recently speaking to my dad he said “Dani, you know that’s a myth, right?” While I still choose to dry my hair before leaving my home, here are 5...